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Picture of Charles Groome
By Charles Groome on September 17, 2015

The Truth About the Global-Local Balance in Hospitality Marketing

Tips for Global & Local Hospitality MarketingHotel companies must overcome considerable challenges to balance the global and local dimensions of their brands. They need solutions to make the balance between global and local needs easy.

Hotel companies face a thorny marketing challenge: they need to make the global messages of their brands relevant to customers who make buying decisions locally.

A recent article from StreetFight claimed that search strategy is the number one challenge to overcome in bridging this global-local divide.

But the problem hospitality companies face is larger than updating property listings on Google. Instead, these brands need to orchestrate all of their marketing messages and creative executions at every property their customers visit – worldwide.

The marketers who must solve this problem for Marriott, Hilton, Choice and other global hotel companies are facing a fundamental question: how can you deliver the promise of the brand every time your customers expect it – at each location, in every region and language?

To answer this question for their brand, hospitality marketers have to create a framework that meets the global and local needs of their brand, harmoniously.

Coordinating the resources these teams use is the key to creating the best global-local balance for the brand. Brand marketers must develop a solution that will allow global marketing assets to be customized in just the right ways for each location and scenario.

Giving access to creative assets is crucial to ensuring the right balance between global and local forces in the brand.

At the heart of this solution, there must be a way to deliver creative assets (photos, ad templates, logos and others) and branded content (product details, offers and taglines) that can be used in each local marketing project.

For the local teams, a little creative freedom can go a long way. Giving property managers the flexibility to keep elevator posters, table tents and banner ads fresh brings the brand to life for the customer – and improves loyalty as a result.

Since there’s far more to the customer journey than a search engine listing, these local marketers must be empowered to customize their marketing in any media type. The hotel-goers’ experience should be locally crafted at every step – whether on the landing page they come to off Google, or the discount card placed on the pillow in their room.

For hospitality brand managers trying to coordinate the global and local forces in their marketing efforts, this gives a clear solution to their major problem. The right marketing balance requires a thoughtful blend of brand voice and local flavor.

Start a Hands-On Trial of CampaignDrive by Pica9 to see how hospitality brands can coordinate their global and local marketing efforts in a single marketing asset management platform.

Published by Charles Groome September 17, 2015
Charles Groome