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By Parris Johnson on October 09, 2018

3 DAM Articles You Should Have Read Already

Everything Local Marketers Need To Know About Digital Asset Management


The world of digital asset management can be a confusing one, and if you don’t understand the technology is or who it is intended to benefit, it can be overwhelming. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered everything you need in order to make an informed decision in regards to digital asset management tools. Read the following digital asset management articles and consider yourself all caught up.


  1. What is Digital Asset Management Software? - CampaignDrive

At its simplest, digital asset management helps marketers maximize the value of their creative assets (such as videos and images) by simplifying the process of accessing, organizing, and distributing them. This article provides a general outline of digital asset management, including the broader definition of the term as well as the benefits of digital asset management software. If this is your first time getting acquainted with the concept of DAM and DAM software, this CampaignDrive article is great place to start.


2. The Benefits of Cloud-Based Digital Asset Management - CampaignDrive

Now that you have a basic understanding, it’s time to add depth by identifying the value that a cloud-based platform could bring to DAM. Cloud-based digital asset management provides companies with a secure and easy way to manage assets online. This article describes the main benefits of a cloud-based digital asset management as security, cost-efficiency, accessibility, ease of use, and scalability. Once you have a solid understanding of these concepts, you’ll begin to see how a digital asset management tool can reshape the way your organization operates.


3. How Digital Asset Management Tools Foster Innovation - CampaignDrive

Digital asset management solutions also promote creativity and marketing freedom by cutting time spent on administrative tasks. A digital asset management tool facilitates the day-to-day workflow and reduces the back-and-forth between marketers and designers (as well as between corporate teams and local teams). Without having to constantly email or chat about marketing material and design approvals, both marketers and designers have more time to focus on strategic initiatives. This article highlights the opportunities that arise from local marketing automation, as well as how digital asset management tools can empower marketers and designers.


CampaignDrive by Pica9 is a cloud-based marketing platform that leverages brand power for local impact. With the free time saved through the utilization of DAM solutions such as CampaignDrive, marketers and designers can think strategically and creatively about optimizing current campaigns and how future campaigns can drive more business.

Request a free demo of the CampaignDrive platform and learn how leveraging a digital asset management platform can promote innovation and creativity within your organization.



Published by Parris Johnson October 9, 2018
Parris Johnson